Tuesday 2 October 2012
Cats. at 00:12:00

I'm here, going to talk about an animal that you can pet. Named CATS. 

Why do I pick cats for my topic? Just reasons. Actually, I really interested with cats because cats are very timid and you can pet with it. The cats can be so loving if you know how to take care of them. 

Do you know that cats also have their own types?  I have found 43 types of them, and I will show just a few types of them for the reason that I can't tell.

These are some types of cats that I really love. For example, 

Birmans are affectionate, gentle, and faithful companions with an air of dignity that seems to invite adoration by their human companions. As former temple cats, Birmans seem to have become accustomed to adoration. They are very intelligent and affectionate, according to fanciers, and very people-oriented. They will generally greet visitors with curiosity rather than fear.
Because of their gentle temperaments, Birmans are easy to handle, care for, and show, and they make ideal pets for anyone who wants quiet companions that will offer love and affection in return for just a little well-deserved worship.

For their part, Munchkins, oblivious to the controversy surrounding them, go on being just what they are, cats; self-assured and outgoing. They love to wrestle and play with their long-legged feline friends, happily unaware that there's anything different about them. Nor do their feline companions treat them like members of the vertically challenged. Only humans look at them askance.
Fanciers assert Munchkins can do anything an ordinary cat can do, except leap to the top of the bookcase. They can get on the kitchen counter, but they take the scenic route. Munchkins are also known as 'magpies', often borrowing small, shiny objects and stashing them away for later play. Proficient hunters, Munchkins love a good game of catnip mouse, but when playtime is over, they want a warm lap to snuggle into and strokes from a loving hand, like any domestic.

The personality of the Cymric has won a strong following despite the breeding challenges. Cymrics are intelligent, fun-loving cats, and they get along well with other pets, including dogs. Cymrics are particularly noted for their loyalty to their humans and enjoy spending quality time with them. As cats go, they can be easily taught tricks. Despite their playful temperament, they are gentle and nonaggressive. Their playful yet tractable dispositions are good for families with children.
Cymrics are powerful jumpers and if sufficiently motivated will manage to breach the most secure shelf. They are also fascinated by water, as long as you don't dunk them in the nasty stuff. Perhaps this fascination comes from originating on a small piece of land surrounded by it.

Scottish Folds are intelligent, sweet-tempered, soft-spoken, and easily adaptable to new people and situations. They are very loyal and tend to bond with one person in the household. While they will usually allow others to cuddle and pet them, their primary attachment becomes quickly clear as they single out their chosen humans. They thrive on attention, but it must be on their own terms.
Despite their devotion, they are not clingy, demanding cats and usually prefer to be near you rather than on your lap. They enjoy a good game of fetch now and then as well, and keep their playful side well into adulthood. Despite the breeding and health difficulties, Folds have certainly earned their standing in the cat fancy.

The conclusion is,
cats can be really cute in our eyes and can be very good company for us a friend even they are just and animal. Make sure you know how to take care of them. An animal, any animals can pray for you if you be nice to them. 
Till soon, goodbye and thank you for reading :)
The sincere writer,
Anis Fathiah

The Writer

You guys would know my name and I'm 18. Enough talking. Just read my blog and make sure you know what you are reading. Do send me a message on the cbox if you have anything to say or ask. No harsh words please. Don't like it here? Just press the exit button. :) If you do, thank you very much. Appreciate it.




September 2012
October 2012